The Center for Advanced Microscopy (CAM) offers full comprehensive transmission electron microscopy (TEM) services for the physical sciences including an outstanding ultra-high resolution TEM and a full range of sample preparation equipment.
The primary transmission electron microscope for the physical sciences at the Center for Advanced Microscopy (CAM) is an ultra-high resolution JEOL 2200FS. The 2200FS is equipped with a unique “omega” energy filter to facilitate the clearest imaging in conventional mode and excellent energy resolution in the spectrum modes. This microscope has a resolution of 0.19 nm in conventional TEM mode imaging and 0.136 nm in the STEM mode (scanning transmission electron microscopy), a mode that provides atomic level imaging without the contrast reversals present in the conventional mode as atomic level imaging is approached at the Scherzer limit.

The JEOL 2200FS ultra-high resolution transmission electron microscope at the MSU Center for Advanced Microscopy
In addition to outstanding imaging capability, the microscope has excellent element and crystal identification capabilities using energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis (EDS), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), and three diffraction modes (selected area electron diffraction, nano-beam electron diffraction, and convergent beam electron diffraction).
The JEOL 2200FS is also useful in imaging biological samples using the omega filter when the clearest images are required and when chemical analysis is required.

Images taken on the JEOL 2200FS transmission electron microscope. (a) TEM image of a Mg-doped boron nano-wire. (b) Z-contrast STEM image showing Mg-doping site. (c) Diffraction pattern
Electron Tomography
The JEOL 2200FS TEM is equipped with full capabilities for electron tomography, both at ambient temperatures and cryo electron tomography at liquid nitrogen temperatures. Electron tomography collects hundreds of images, each at a slightly different tilt angle. Advanced software programs then reassemble the images into 3D reconstructions.
We offer the following services:
- Conventional Bright / Dark Field Imaging
- High Resolution Electron Microscopy Imaging
- Z-contrast Atomic Resolution Imaging
- Energy Filtered Imaging
- Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
- Selected Area Electron Diffraction
- Nano-beam Electron Diffraction
- Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction
- X-ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy
- Lorentz Electron Microscopy
- Cryo and ambient temperature electron tomography
CAM has a full range of specimen preparation equipment for all types of samples. Sample thinning equipment includes a diamond wheel saw, dimple grinders, an ultrasonic disc grinder, an ion polishing system, and a jet thinning instrument. Thin sectioning is available for polymers and plastics
Additional Equipment:
- South Bay Technology Low Speed Diamond Wheel Saw
- Two Gatan Dimpler Grinders.
- Gatan Ultrasonic Disc Cutter
- Gatan Precision Ion Polishing System
- South Bay Technology Jet Thinning Instrument
For physical science TEM services contact Alicia Withrow, 517-355-5004.
See our Service and User charges page.
For enrollment in NSC-815 or NSC-816 TEM labs (these labs are temporarily suspended). These are limited enrollment courses with specific enrollment procedures. Please see our Courses page for more information.
The JEOL 2200FS 200 kV field emission TEM for physical sciences was funded by a National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation grant.